I jeggings, parenti dei leggings, sono un incrocio tra il jeans e il leggings appunto; hanno il tessuto elastico e vengono usati solitamente abbinati a maxi t-shirt o infilati dentro maxi stivali.
DANGEROUS: il jeggings impone una fisicità asciutta e secca, astenersi chi non è esattamente filiforme: causa effetto salsiccia (vedi Beyoncè).
The jeggings, relatives of the leggings, are a cross between jeans and leggings in fact; they have a elastic tissue and are usually used combined with big t-shirt or tucked into big boots.DANGEROUS: The jeggings requires a physical dry, so refrain from those who are not exactly filiform: cause an effect sausage (see Beyonce).
Navy dress
Sulle passerelle dei più grandi stilisti e sul red carpet non si è visto altro: il blu navy è il colore dominante di questa stagione. Si abbina rigorosamente ad accessori color avorio, metallo, argento, platino e oro, e se indossato da castane o more dona decisamente una marcia in più.
DANGEROUS: ebbene sì, è ancora un tabù: da evitare l'accostamento blu navy - nero.
On the catwalks of the biggest designers and on the red carpet you haven't seen anything else: the navy blue is the dominant color this season. It goes strictly to an accessory ivory, metal, silver, platinum and gold, and when you worn it with brown or black hair definitely gives you something extra.DANGEROUS: yes, it is still a taboo: to avoid matching navy blue - black.
On the catwalks of the biggest designers and on the red carpet you haven't seen anything else: the navy blue is the dominant color this season. It goes strictly to an accessory ivory, metal, silver, platinum and gold, and when you worn it with brown or black hair definitely gives you something extra.DANGEROUS: yes, it is still a taboo: to avoid matching navy blue - black.
Leopard shoes
Una delle tendenze moda più fantastiche del momento: la fantasia leopardata ha conquistato anche le scarpe.. e che scarpe! Louboutin firma quelle ai piedi di Nicole Richie (foto 3) e Ashley Tisdale (foto 4), mentre Rihanna acquista 1000 punti per le sue leopard wedges, aggressive ed eccentriche.
DANGEROUS: la fantasia leopardo è già di suo molto aggressiva, sconsigliato l'uso con minigonne vertiginose o scollature profonde, rischiando un effetto volgare.
One of the most fantastic fashion trends of the moment: the leopard fantasy has also won the shoes .. and what shoes! Those Louboutin shoes are at the foot of Nicole Richie (photo 3) and Ashley Tisdale (photo 4), while Rihanna takes 1000 points for her leopard wedges, aggressive and eccentric.DANGEROUS: the leopard is already very aggressively, not recommended for use it with plunging necklines or miniskirts dizzy, risking a vulgar effect.
Le star insegnano: la camicia a quadri non è più solo un must have maschile, ma spopola anche tra le donne. Ashley Tisdale (foto 1) la usa in versione estiva con jeans short sfilacciati, sandali rasoterra e canottiera bianca. Gwen Stefani (foto 2) invece la preferisce comoda infilata dentro ai jeans in versione casalinga disperata; Isla Fisher, più conosciuta come Rebecca Bloomwood (foto 3), la propone come must have nel seguito di "I love shopping", stupendamente abbinata a delle parigine nere e alle scarlatte Tribtoo di Yves Saint Laurent. Fantasia riproposta anche da Linsady Lohan (foto 4), da lei usata però più in versione maschile con leggins neri e ankle boots rasoterra.
DANGEROUS: una camicia non sostituisce un paio di pantaloni, per quanto lunga possa essere, quindi assolutamente vietato l'uso senza anche solo un paio di short sotto, oppure come insegna Isla, con delle lunghe parigine.
The stars teach: the plaid shirt is not only a men must-have, but also depopulated of women. Ashley Tisdale (photo 1) used in the summer version with frayed denim shorts, ground level sandals and white singlet. Gwen Stefani (photo 2) instead prefers to conveniently shirt tucked into jeans version desperate housewife; Isla Fisher, better known as Rebecca Bloomwood (photo 3), proposed it like a must-have in the sequel of "I love shopping", beautifully combined with the black paris socks and the scarlet Tribtoo heels of Yves Saint Laurent. Fantasy also revived by Linsady Lohan (photo 4), which she used in masculine version, with black leggings and ankle boots low shot.DANGEROUS: a shirt doesn't replace a pair of pants, however long it may be, is therefore absolutely forbidden to use it without even a pair of shorts underneath, or like teachs Isla, with long Paris socks.
The stars teach: the plaid shirt is not only a men must-have, but also depopulated of women. Ashley Tisdale (photo 1) used in the summer version with frayed denim shorts, ground level sandals and white singlet. Gwen Stefani (photo 2) instead prefers to conveniently shirt tucked into jeans version desperate housewife; Isla Fisher, better known as Rebecca Bloomwood (photo 3), proposed it like a must-have in the sequel of "I love shopping", beautifully combined with the black paris socks and the scarlet Tribtoo heels of Yves Saint Laurent. Fantasy also revived by Linsady Lohan (photo 4), which she used in masculine version, with black leggings and ankle boots low shot.DANGEROUS: a shirt doesn't replace a pair of pants, however long it may be, is therefore absolutely forbidden to use it without even a pair of shorts underneath, or like teachs Isla, with long Paris socks.
Stay tuned!
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